Sneak Peek At The New Blogger Ebook - Building Websites With Blogger

Update: Building Websites with Blogger is now available to purchase for only $9.95

For the past few weeks I've been working like crazy on a new eBook, Building Websites with Blogger.

This will my first premium eBook, featuring exclusive customization, maintenance and promotional techniques using Blogger's latest features.

Bundled with three gorgeous Blogger templates (one of which you'll learn to design using this guide) and beautifully laid out, I'm sure you'll agree this was a labour of love and will enjoy reading it as much as I have in development.

Preview of the Template #1, built to accompany the eBook

Building Websites with Blogger details the step-by-step process used to create the website, Basic Blogger, including:
  • How to create a blog
  • Make simple design changes using the Template Designer
  • Edit the Template HTML code to add new sections to the layout
  • Style our website using progressive CSS
  • Integrate social media (Twitter and Facebook)
  • Monetize our websites through advertisement and eCommerce
  • Effective techniques for website maintenance
Fully illustrated and annotated throughout, this eBook is suitable for Blogger users of any level of experience.

Here's a sample from the eBook:

Bundled with the eBook are three gorgeous templates. Template #1 (previewed above) is a portfolio-style theme with a bold colour scheme and icon style.

Template #2 is a variation of this same layout using an alternative colour scheme and icon set:

Screenshot of Template #2

The third template is a unique, elegant store-front style template which is offered as a bonus for anyone who purchases the eBook:

Preview of Bonus Storefront Template
At only $9.95 USD (and with additional discounts offered during the holiday season), Building Websites with Blogger will offer great value at a price I hope is affordable to all.

Stay tuned or subscribe for details of when this eBook will be made available or like on Facebook to receive news of exclusive discounts for Facebook fans.


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