How To Add Google+ Updates Gadget To Blogger

As yet, there is no official "widget" or RSS feed which we can embed in Blogger to display a stream of our recent posts on Google Plus.

Luckily, Google+ to RSS offers a free service enabling us to generate an RSS feed for our personal profiles and pages which we can add to a simple Feed gadget in Blogger.

Take a look at the sidebar to see this technique in action and read on to find out how to add a Google+ updates gadget in your own Blogger site.

To get started, head over to Google+ to RSS and create a feed for your Google+ profile. You'll need to log in using your Google+ account to allow the app to access your profile stream:

As soon as you've done this, you'll be able to "manage your entries" and locate the URL for your Google+ profile RSS feed:

Right-click the RSS icon beside your profile and choose to copy the link location. This is the URL to the RSS feed of your personal profile stream.

To publish a feed for a Google+ Page, click the green "New" button and paste in the profile ID for your Google+ Page and follow the procedure above to grab the URL.

Important - Only two feeds can be created for each Google+ account! This prevents abuse of the free service provided.

Once you have the URL of your page or profile feed, log into your Blogger dashboard and choose to add a new Feed gadget to your layout.

Here you can paste the URL of your Google+ feed and change the title/options for your gadget to suit your needs. You'll be able to preview how your gadget will appear, and you gadget will adapt to match the overall appearance of your site.

Finally, save your gadget and enjoy your Google+ Stream Gadget!

What do you think?

I'm well aware that this is a rather basic gadget, and particularly that it's reliant on a third party service, though I hope this technique proves useful to those who would like to add a Google+ stream to Blogger until official techniques become available.

Please feel free to leave your thoughts and comments on this quick tutorial below.

Image credit: Spaksu


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