Happy 10Th Birthday Blogger!

Today marks ten years since Pyra Labs first unleashed Blogger onto the world! And how Blogger has grown: from humble beginnings to a multi-national, multi-lingual, Google-owned, highly powerful publishing platform which hosts over 300 million blogs (not counting those hosted on custom domains...).

In celebration of this remarkable date, the Blogger Team have planned some wonderful treats for the Blogger community:
Wait, what? What we could give you? That's right. This is our birthday but we're celebrating your contributions over the years. Over the past decade, millions of people around the world have made Blogger what it is today: a vibrant community of real people telling their stories. [...]
As we turn ten, we wanted to give you some presents to commemorate this milestone and thank you for letting us be part of your story. Over the next several weeks we will be releasing a number of new features on Blogger. Some presents are because Blogger Buzz)
Already a few of these blogging treats have been released:
There's a few more features which I suspect (though cannot confirm) will be released soon, and one striking, great big feature which I know will be welcomed by all...

I can't tell you about that yet.

But I promise, the wait will be worth it!

Wishing Blogger and the entire, hardworking Blogger team a wonderful 10th birthday! We're all looking forward to these new, interesting and useful features you have planned for us.

Here's to many more decades of "push button publishing" with Blogger!

Image credit: D Sharon Pruitt (via Flickr Creative Commons)


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