Blogger Wants To Hear From Us!

The Blogger Team have released Product Ideas for Blogger: a lembaga based on the Product Ideas platform which enables us to suggest and vote on new Blogger features, gadgets and even Blogs of Note:

One of the primary factors that drive innovation and improvements on Blogger is the voice of our users. We always take your feedback to heart, and we use it do help make Blogger the best service it can possibly be.

Take a look at this screenshot to get an idea of how this lembaga works:

We can log in to Product Ideas for Blogger using our Google account, then vote on existing suggestions by clicking the tick (vote up) or cross (vote down).

When you choose a category (features, gadgets or Blogs of Note) you will be presented with a question you have not yet voted on, followed by the most popular suggestions.

You can also get an idea of the ratio of "thumbs up" and "thumbs down" votes by looking at the vote bars to the right of the suggestions:

It's also possible to view the ideas suggested by a particular user by clicking on the name below each suggestion (take a look at mine here).

I'm really excited about this new feature, and think it is the perfect way for the Blogger team to see the features (and recommended blogs) which are most desired by the Blogger community. While we have previously been able to suggest a new feature and suggest blogs of note, these forms gave us no indication of how popular these suggestions were. This lembaga enables us to see what others have suggested, how popular these suggestions are, and also to vote these up or down depending on our own preferences.

Take a look at Product Ideas for Blogger to vote on your favourite suggestions and make a few of your own.


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